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Middleweight champion UFC Israel Adesanya participated in a peaceful protest movement under the Black Lives Matter movement in his home country.

A wave of protests following the death of black man George Floyd is emerging not only in the US but also around the world. Not to mention riots or violent demonstrations, peaceful marches around the world still follow the movement called Black Lives Matter.

In particular, middleweight champion UFC Israel Adesanya is also an individual supporter of this movement. The Nigerian punched a march in front of the US Embassy office in Auckland, where he lives. Here, “Izzy” also made a short speech in front of the crowd calling for the right to fair treatment of black people.

“I am really annoyed. How many of you here have your hands behind your back when you walk into the store so they don’t think you’re a thief? How many people here have to try to smile so that other people don’t think you’re scary, so they feel more comfortable?” – Adesanya said in the middle of the march. 

“I stepped into the elevator, all three times I felt discriminated against. The white people turned upside down when they saw me, so I had to try to laugh and sidestep for them to pass, so they didn’t have any fear of facing me. Why, because I’m black. I have no choice, but if I was chosen again, I would still choose to be black” – Adesanya added. 

“We talked a lot, we marched a lot but now it’s not just for us anymore. Speak up so that all whites and other races can hear it, we need you, we need your voice. I was so tired of seeing those faces murdered, why, because I saw myself in them. And it’s heartbreaking to see that.” 

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